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Astroberry Server

Gość RadekK

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

20 minut temu, kubaman napisał:

szkoda, że środowisko ludzi z tego korzystających jest tak małe

de facto zostałem z problemem zaupełnie sam

podłączyłem Canona 1Dmk4 i tez nie działa, wywala inny błąd ale nie robi zdjęć, podgląd działa ale nic więcej.


To chyba niestety oznacza dla mnie rozstanie z astroberry, a co gorsza a astrolinkiem. Bo kamery chwilowo nie planuję kopić do tego zestawu.

imo szukaj info tutaj:

i na forum:



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Godzinę temu, kubaman napisał:

szkoda, że środowisko ludzi z tego korzystających jest tak małe

de facto zostałem z problemem zaupełnie sam

podłączyłem Canona 1Dmk4 i tez nie działa, wywala inny błąd ale nie robi zdjęć, podgląd działa ale nic więcej.


To chyba niestety oznacza dla mnie rozstanie z astroberry, a co gorsza a astrolinkiem. Bo kamery chwilowo nie planuję kopić do tego zestawu.

Sprawdziłem z Canonem 500D i działa zarówno na Astroberry jak i na Win10 podłączonym do Astroberry jako klient. Sprawdź czy masz wypełnione pola dotyczące sensora w konfiguracji:




U mnie nie działało póki ręcznie nie wpisałem parametru Bits per pixel.

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7 minut temu, malebranchi napisał:



Czy jest opcja aby ekos mierzył fokus (fwhm/hfd) dla każdego zrobionego zdjęcia?


Albo inaczej, jak organizujecie fokusowanie podczas sesji?

W najnowszej wersji Kstars jest to wyświetlane na dole zdjęcia po każdej klatce. poza tym można otworzyć sobie okienko analizy gwiazd i oglądać 3D model wraz z danymi dla wybranych gwiazdek.

  • Lubię 1
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W dniu 3.01.2022 o 12:29, Łukasz Czerwiński napisał:

Aktualizacja AB? W nowy rok wyszła nowa. 

czy ktoś mi powie jak się aktualizuje astroberry?


i dodatkowo, czy rp4 jest 64 czy 32 bitowe? Astap ma paczki dla obu wersji, co mnie mocno zdziwiło.



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Taki wniosek dla tych co nie wiedzą - obsługa ekosa, kstars i w ogóle astroberry z telefonu czy tabletu nie wchodzi w grę. Tablet 10  cali pozwala jakoś z trudem klikać ale działanie serwera uniemożliwia wprowadzanie tekstu w sposób wykonalny.

Edytowane przez kubaman
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Mam problem, uruchomiłem astroberry po 6 msc, wykonałem update software i niestety nie mogę połączyć się ze swoimi ASI120 i ASI1600, kołem filtrowym i montażem (eqmod). Wcześniej (przed updatem) wszystko sprawnie się łączyło i działało bez zarzutu. Wczoraj pojechałem na miejscówkę i zaskoczył mnie problem unable to establish the following devices: zwo ccd asi efw:


Co się stało? Jakaś niestabilna wersja softu? Jak to naprawić? 

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W dniu 7.01.2022 o 11:26, kubaman napisał:

Taki wniosek dla tych co nie wiedzą - obsługa ekosa, kstars i w ogóle astroberry z telefonu czy tabletu nie wchodzi w grę. Tablet 10  cali pozwala jakoś z trudem klikać ale działanie serwera uniemożliwia wprowadzanie tekstu w sposób wykonalny.

Hej, w sprawie lustrzanki, koniecznie podpytaj na forum indi, ludzie tam są bardzo pomocni. Generalnie sporo ludzi używa tego, więc nie powinno być problemu. Ja ze swojej strony mogę podpowiedzieć - wyzeruj wszystkie ustawienia w lustrzance i wrzuć świeży obraz na kartę SD, zrób wszystko od zera.

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próbuję ustawić montaż na polarną modułem Align w Ekosie (montazyk SWSA).


Robi poprawnie pierwszego i drugiego solva, wykłada sie na trzecim. Tylko dwa razy udało się przejść 3 solvy, pozostałe kilkanaście prób - dwa idą dobrze, trzeci - "Please check you have sufficient stars in the image, the indicated FOV is correct, and the necessary index files are installed. Enable Alignment Logging in Setup Tab -> Logs to get detailed information on the failure"


Widzę że wycina większość gwiazd na trzecim solvie, ale nie wiem czemu.


log z procesu, jak ktoś mógłby znaleźć przyczynę...:


2022-01-17T22:37:44 Solver Failed.
2022-01-17T22:37:44 PAA: Stopping, solver failed too many times.
2022-01-17T22:37:44 Solution file doesn't exist
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Command: /usr/bin/solve-field -O --no-plots --no-verify --crpix-center --match none --corr none --new-fits none --rdls none --resort --objs 50 --odds-to-solve 1e+09 --odds-to-tune-up 1e+06 -L 74.4639 -H 148.928 -u arcminwidth -3 135.258 -4 -8.83415 -5 15 --width 1280 --height 960 --x-column X_IMAGE --y-column Y_IMAGE --sort-column MAG_AUTO --sort-ascending --no-remove-lines --uniformize 0 --backend-config /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_128.cfg --cancel /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_128.cancel -W /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_128.wcs /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_128.xyls
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Starting external solver with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile...
2022-01-17T22:37:35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Configuring external solver using an xylist input
2022-01-17T22:37:35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Stars Found after Filtering: 2
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Keeping just the 50 brightest stars
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Removing the stars with a/b ratios greater than 1.5
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Stars Found before Filtering: 2
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Starting Internal StellarSolver Sextractor with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile . . .
2022-01-17T22:37:35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Disabling the inParallel option.
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Not enough RAM is available on this system for loading the index files you have in parallel
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Evaluating Installed RAM for inParallel Option.  Total Size of Index files: 55.6776 GB, Installed RAM: 3.69891 GB, Free RAM: 0.457722 GB
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Automatically downsampling the image by 1
2022-01-17T22:37:35 Image received.
2022-01-17T22:37:32 Capturing image...
2022-01-17T22:37:32 Solution file doesn't exist
2022-01-17T22:37:23 Command: /usr/bin/solve-field -O --no-plots --no-verify --crpix-center --match none --corr none --new-fits none --rdls none --resort --objs 50 --odds-to-solve 1e+09 --odds-to-tune-up 1e+06 -L 74.4639 -H 148.928 -u arcminwidth -3 135.258 -4 -8.83415 -5 15 --width 1280 --height 960 --x-column X_IMAGE --y-column Y_IMAGE --sort-column MAG_AUTO --sort-ascending --no-remove-lines --uniformize 0 --backend-config /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_127.cfg --cancel /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_127.cancel -W /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_127.wcs /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_127.xyls
2022-01-17T22:37:23 Starting external solver with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile...
2022-01-17T22:37:23 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:37:23 Configuring external solver using an xylist input
2022-01-17T22:37:23 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:37:23 Stars Found after Filtering: 2
2022-01-17T22:37:23 Keeping just the 50 brightest stars
2022-01-17T22:37:23 Removing the stars with a/b ratios greater than 1.5
2022-01-17T22:37:23 Stars Found before Filtering: 2
2022-01-17T22:37:22 Starting Internal StellarSolver Sextractor with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile . . .
2022-01-17T22:37:22 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:37:22 Disabling the inParallel option.
2022-01-17T22:37:22 Not enough RAM is available on this system for loading the index files you have in parallel
2022-01-17T22:37:22 Evaluating Installed RAM for inParallel Option.  Total Size of Index files: 55.6776 GB, Installed RAM: 3.69891 GB, Free RAM: 0.461128 GB
2022-01-17T22:37:22 Automatically downsampling the image by 1
2022-01-17T22:37:22 Image received.
2022-01-17T22:37:19 Capturing image...
2022-01-17T22:37:19 Solution file doesn't exist
2022-01-17T22:37:10 Command: /usr/bin/solve-field -O --no-plots --no-verify --crpix-center --match none --corr none --new-fits none --rdls none --resort --objs 50 --odds-to-solve 1e+09 --odds-to-tune-up 1e+06 -L 74.4639 -H 148.928 -u arcminwidth -3 135.258 -4 -8.83415 -5 15 --width 1280 --height 960 --x-column X_IMAGE --y-column Y_IMAGE --sort-column MAG_AUTO --sort-ascending --no-remove-lines --uniformize 0 --backend-config /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_126.cfg --cancel /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_126.cancel -W /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_126.wcs /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_126.xyls
2022-01-17T22:37:10 Starting external solver with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile...
2022-01-17T22:37:10 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:37:10 Configuring external solver using an xylist input
2022-01-17T22:37:10 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:37:10 Starting Internal StellarSolver Sextractor with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile . . .
2022-01-17T22:37:10 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:37:09 Disabling the inParallel option.
2022-01-17T22:37:09 Not enough RAM is available on this system for loading the index files you have in parallel
2022-01-17T22:37:09 Evaluating Installed RAM for inParallel Option.  Total Size of Index files: 55.6776 GB, Installed RAM: 3.69891 GB, Free RAM: 0.464561 GB
2022-01-17T22:37:09 Automatically downsampling the image by 1
2022-01-17T22:37:09 Image received.
2022-01-17T22:37:06 Capturing image...
2022-01-17T22:37:06 Solution file doesn't exist
2022-01-17T22:36:57 Command: /usr/bin/solve-field -O --no-plots --no-verify --crpix-center --match none --corr none --new-fits none --rdls none --resort --objs 50 --odds-to-solve 1e+09 --odds-to-tune-up 1e+06 -L 74.4639 -H 148.928 -u arcminwidth -3 135.258 -4 -8.83415 -5 15 --width 1280 --height 960 --x-column X_IMAGE --y-column Y_IMAGE --sort-column MAG_AUTO --sort-ascending --no-remove-lines --uniformize 0 --backend-config /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_125.cfg --cancel /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_125.cancel -W /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_125.wcs /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_125.xyls
2022-01-17T22:36:57 Starting external solver with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile...
2022-01-17T22:36:57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:36:57 Configuring external solver using an xylist input
2022-01-17T22:36:57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:36:57 Starting Internal StellarSolver Sextractor with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile . . .
2022-01-17T22:36:57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:36:57 Disabling the inParallel option.
2022-01-17T22:36:57 Not enough RAM is available on this system for loading the index files you have in parallel
2022-01-17T22:36:57 Evaluating Installed RAM for inParallel Option.  Total Size of Index files: 55.6776 GB, Installed RAM: 3.69891 GB, Free RAM: 0.466644 GB
2022-01-17T22:36:57 Automatically downsampling the image by 1
2022-01-17T22:36:57 Image received.
2022-01-17T22:36:54 Capturing image...
2022-01-17T22:36:53 Second manual rotation done.
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Please rotate your mount about 20 deg in RA
2022-01-17T22:36:19 WCS data processing is complete.
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Solution coordinates: RA (09h 48m 44s) DEC (-10° 08' 45") Telescope Coordinates: RA (09h 01m 02s) DEC (-08° 50' 03")
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Effective telescope focal length is updated to 132.96 mm.
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Solver RA (146.90920) DEC (-10.04415) Orientation (102.63643) Pixel Scale (5.81750) Parity (neg)
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Solver completed after 3.37 seconds.
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Finished Loading WCS...
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Loading WCS from file...
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Field parity: neg

2022-01-17T22:36:19 Field rotation angle: up is 102.636 degrees E of N
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Pixel Scale: 5.8175"
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Field size: 2.073 x 1.548 arcminutes
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Field is: (-41943.6, 4356) deg from search coords.
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Field center: (RA H:M:S, Dec D:M:S) = (09:47:38.208, -10:02:38.925).
2022-01-17T22:36:19 Field center: (RA,Dec) = (146.909, -10.0441) deg.
2022-01-17T22:36:19 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Command: /usr/bin/solve-field -O --no-plots --no-verify --crpix-center --match none --corr none --new-fits none --rdls none --resort --objs 50 --odds-to-solve 1e+09 --odds-to-tune-up 1e+06 -L 74.1261 -H 148.252 -u arcminwidth -3 135.258 -4 -8.83415 -5 15 --width 1280 --height 960 --x-column X_IMAGE --y-column Y_IMAGE --sort-column MAG_AUTO --sort-ascending --no-remove-lines --uniformize 0 --backend-config /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_124.cfg --cancel /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_124.cancel -W /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_124.wcs /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_124.xyls
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Starting external solver with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile...
2022-01-17T22:36:16 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Configuring external solver using an xylist input
2022-01-17T22:36:16 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Stars Found after Filtering: 8
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Keeping just the 50 brightest stars
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Removing the stars with a/b ratios greater than 1.5
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Stars Found before Filtering: 8
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Starting Internal StellarSolver Sextractor with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile . . .
2022-01-17T22:36:16 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Disabling the inParallel option.
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Not enough RAM is available on this system for loading the index files you have in parallel
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Evaluating Installed RAM for inParallel Option.  Total Size of Index files: 55.6776 GB, Installed RAM: 3.69891 GB, Free RAM: 0.469322 GB
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Automatically downsampling the image by 1
2022-01-17T22:36:16 Image received.
2022-01-17T22:36:13 Capturing image...
2022-01-17T22:36:11 First manual rotation done.
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Please rotate your mount about 20 deg in RA
2022-01-17T22:35:42 WCS data processing is complete.
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Solution coordinates: RA (09h 01m 03s) DEC (-08° 49' 36") Telescope Coordinates: RA (09h 01m 02s) DEC (-08° 50' 03")
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Effective telescope focal length is updated to 133.566 mm.
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Solver RA (134.99045) DEC (-8.74094) Orientation (101.79157) Pixel Scale (5.79110) Parity (neg)
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Solver completed after 3.39 seconds.
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Finished Loading WCS...
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Loading WCS from file...
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Field parity: neg

2022-01-17T22:35:42 Field rotation angle: up is 101.792 degrees E of N
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Pixel Scale: 5.7911"
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Field size: 2.062 x 1.542 arcminutes
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Field is: (963.949, -335.548) deg from search coords.
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Field center: (RA H:M:S, Dec D:M:S) = (08:59:57.708, -08:44:27.375).
2022-01-17T22:35:42 Field center: (RA,Dec) = (134.99, -8.74094) deg.
2022-01-17T22:35:42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Command: /usr/bin/solve-field -O --no-plots --no-verify --crpix-center --match none --corr none --new-fits none --rdls none --resort --objs 50 --odds-to-solve 1e+09 --odds-to-tune-up 1e+06 -L 74.0965 -H 148.193 -u arcminwidth -3 135.258 -4 -8.83415 -5 15 --width 1280 --height 960 --x-column X_IMAGE --y-column Y_IMAGE --sort-column MAG_AUTO --sort-ascending --no-remove-lines --uniformize 0 --backend-config /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_123.cfg --cancel /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_123.cancel -W /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_123.wcs /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_123.xyls
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Starting external solver with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile...
2022-01-17T22:35:39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Configuring external solver using an xylist input
2022-01-17T22:35:39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Stars Found after Filtering: 13
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Keeping just the 50 brightest stars
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Removing the stars with a/b ratios greater than 1.5
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Stars Found before Filtering: 13
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Starting Internal StellarSolver Sextractor with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile . . .
2022-01-17T22:35:39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Disabling the inParallel option.
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Not enough RAM is available on this system for loading the index files you have in parallel
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Evaluating Installed RAM for inParallel Option.  Total Size of Index files: 55.6776 GB, Installed RAM: 3.69891 GB, Free RAM: 0.471268 GB
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Automatically downsampling the image by 1
2022-01-17T22:35:39 Image received.
2022-01-17T22:35:36 Capturing image...
2022-01-17T22:35:36 Warning: Equatorial Grid Lines will not be drawn due to limited resources mode.
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Mount is synced to solution coordinates. Astrometric solver is successful.
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Syncing to RA (09h 01m 02s) DEC (-08° 50' 03")
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Solution coordinates: RA (09h 01m 02s) DEC (-08° 50' 03") Telescope Coordinates: RA (09h 01m 02s) DEC (-08° 50' 33")
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Effective telescope focal length is updated to 133.619 mm.
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Solver RA (134.98791) DEC (-8.74832) Orientation (101.79714) Pixel Scale (5.78879) Parity (neg)
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Solver completed after 3.45 seconds.
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Finished Loading WCS...
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Loading WCS from file...
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Field parity: neg

2022-01-17T22:35:24 Field rotation angle: up is 101.797 degrees E of N
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Pixel Scale: 5.78879"
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Field size: 2.062 x 1.541 arcminutes
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Field is: (966.1, -339.256) deg from search coords.
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Field center: (RA H:M:S, Dec D:M:S) = (08:59:57.099, -08:44:53.952).
2022-01-17T22:35:24 Field center: (RA,Dec) = (134.988, -8.74832) deg.
2022-01-17T22:35:24 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:35:21 Command: /usr/bin/solve-field -O --no-plots --no-verify --crpix-center --match none --corr none --new-fits none --rdls none --resort --objs 50 --odds-to-solve 1e+09 --odds-to-tune-up 1e+06 -L 74.0962 -H 148.192 -u arcminwidth -3 135.256 -4 -8.84256 -5 15 --width 1280 --height 960 --x-column X_IMAGE --y-column Y_IMAGE --sort-column MAG_AUTO --sort-ascending --no-remove-lines --uniformize 0 --backend-config /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_122.cfg --cancel /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_122.cancel -W /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_122.wcs /tmp/externalSextractorSolver_122.xyls
2022-01-17T22:35:21 Starting external solver with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile...
2022-01-17T22:35:21 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:35:21 Configuring external solver using an xylist input
2022-01-17T22:35:21 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:35:21 Stars Found after Filtering: 14
2022-01-17T22:35:21 Keeping just the 50 brightest stars
2022-01-17T22:35:21 Removing the stars with a/b ratios greater than 1.5
2022-01-17T22:35:21 Stars Found before Filtering: 14
2022-01-17T22:35:21 Starting Internal StellarSolver Sextractor with the 4-SmallScaleSolving profile . . .
2022-01-17T22:35:21 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2022-01-17T22:35:20 Disabling the inParallel option.
2022-01-17T22:35:20 Not enough RAM is available on this system for loading the index files you have in parallel
2022-01-17T22:35:20 Evaluating Installed RAM for inParallel Option.  Total Size of Index files: 55.6776 GB, Installed RAM: 3.69891 GB, Free RAM: 0.475712 GB
2022-01-17T22:35:20 Automatically downsampling the image by 1
2022-01-17T22:35:20 Image received.
2022-01-17T22:35:18 Capturing image...

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W dniu 17.01.2022 o 22:46, dziki napisał:

Robi poprawnie pierwszego i drugiego solva, wykłada sie na trzecim. Tylko dwa razy udało się przejść 3 solvy, pozostałe kilkanaście prób - dwa idą dobrze, trzeci - "Please check you have sufficient stars in the image, the indicated FOV is correct, and the necessary index files are installed. Enable Alignment Logging in Setup Tab -> Logs to get detailed information on the failure"

Sobie sam odpowiem ;) Okazuje się że rozleniwiony automatyką w dużym montażu - przestrzeliwałem sporo przesunięcie w RA, nie trafiając +/- w te 20 stopni. I się biedak gubił... :)

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Umieściliśmy na Twoim urządzeniu pliki cookie, aby pomóc Ci usprawnić przeglądanie strony. Możesz dostosować ustawienia plików cookie, w przeciwnym wypadku zakładamy, że wyrażasz na to zgodę.