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  1. Cześć,


    jestem bratem Rogera i ze swojej strony też chciałem podziękować za wskazówki :-) i jednocześnie przywitać się na forum.

    Co do dokładności to Tom Carpeneter wskazuje, że jest różnica na poziomie kryształów (o ile dobrze zrozumiałem tą informację) i AstroEQ oparte o Arduine "ma mniejszą dokładność śledzenia".


    "There options have different merits. Building with a Mega is easier if you don't have the tools required to make a single sided PCB, or don't want to have a PCB manufactured. However the Arduino Mega uses a poor quality oscillator as a clock source which could mean that tracking speeds are not as accurate as they could be, but if you are using autoguiding, this probably isn't an issue as the guider can correct for this. If you build the custom hardware, it is designed to fit neatly in an enclosure and has a higher quality crystal as a clock source. The down side is you need to either make or get made a PCB, and also need to be able to program the microcontrollers (though these can be bought preprogrammed from the AstroEQ purchase page)."






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