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Treść opublikowana przez Ralf_Hofner

  1. Hello Adam, I have already received an invitation to Jodlow Star Party, but unfortunately are both events at the same time (13th-16th September 2012) ... when is the Polish Telescope Meeting 2013 planned?
  2. Dzień dobry, miłość polską astronomicznego znajomych! In 2 weeks starts again the 13th HTT (Herzberger Teleskoptreffen), a great international star party (cca. 5ßß visitors) in the East of Germany, near Herzberg (a small town, 90 km in the south of Berlin). All Polish astronomy friends are very welcome. Much information can be found here - in Czech, in English and in German (we have 8 years including many Czech visitors here with us ..): http://www.herzberge...ell-cz-2012.php http://www.herzberge...l-engl-2012.php http://www.herzberge...ktuell-2012.php Our region has a good deep sky: Zodiakallight brigde Here is the largest Dobsonian-telescope in the world (42 "mirror) at home: .... and a new observatory (with a dome of the Polish company ScopeDome): ... and here are some pictures galleries from previous years: HTT daylight-images http://www.herzberge...2-htt/index.php http://www.herzberge...1-htt/index.php http://www.herzberge...0-htt/index.php HTT Nocturnal Impressions http://www.herzberge...t/nachtimpr.php http://www.herzberge...t/nachtimpr.php http://www.herzberge...t/nachtimpr.php HTT Astro Photos http://www.herzberge.../astrofotos.php http://www.herzberge.../astrofotos.php http://www.herzberge.../astrofotos.php We look forward to seeing you! Z poważaniem Ralf
  3. Dzień dobry, miłość polską Astronomicznego znajomych! Chcielibyśmy zaprosić Państwa do naszej partii międzynarodowej gwiazdy. Niestety nie mieliśmy prawie żadnych polskich odwiedzających - ale przez 7 lat, wielu gości z Czech, więc zajmuje się na naszych stronach informacji w języku niemieckim i czeskim i angielskim: We would like to invite you to our international star party. Unfortunately we have had hardly any Polish visitors - but for 7 years, many guests from the Czech Republic, so it takes out our info pages in German and in Czech and English:'>'> HTT 2010: zodiakalne Most Światła, do biletu (Jowisz, z prawej strony ekranu) - Zdjęcie: Petr Skala (CZ) Serdecznie zapraszamy do odwiedzenia nas i utrzymać pod 42 "Dobsonian i w naszym obserwatorium - z kopułą Polska firmy: scopedome You are cordially invited to visit us and to keep under the 42 "Dobsonian and in our observatory (with the dome of the Polish company SCOPE DOME Z poważaniem Ralf AstroTeam Elbe-Elster e.V.
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