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Treść opublikowana przez dargeo

  1. Oto dalsze boje z PAM. Podłączyłem canona i i zmieniłem montaż na symulator. Oto co się pojawiło :D:D:D Okazuje się, że PAM wykonuje ekspozycję :D:D:D:D:D:D nareszcie jakiś sukces Jeszcze Log bo są jakieś niejasności: 09:02:01 PoleAlignMax Version 2.0.55 09:02:01 PinPoint is connected 09:02:01 MaxIm DL/CCD V 5,15 is the Imaging Software 09:02:06 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is not connected 09:02:06 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is not connected 09:02:06 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is not connected 09:02:10 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is not connected 09:02:13 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is not connected 09:02:17 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is not connected 09:02:20 Telescope Site: Latitude = 51,8508, Longitude = 19,5111 09:02:29 Telescope EQMOD ASCOM Simulator is connected 09:04:20 PoleAlignMax Error 9: Subscript out of range Module modComponents Sub CrossHair 09:04:31 09:04:31 Start Alignment Run 09:04:31 Plate solve method is PinPoint 09:04:31 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 09:04:31 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 09:04:31 Exposure is 4 sec 09:04:31 Telescope at RA = 01:27:15 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 09:04:31 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 09:04:48 Start Solving Plate 1 09:04:48 AttachFITS Failed 09:04:48 Failed to Solve Plate!! 09:04:48 Polar Align Aborted !! 09:05:35 Align Aborted 09:05:57 09:05:57 EQMOD ASCOM Simulator is disconnected Co znaczy tekst, który zaznaczyłem na czerwono?
  2. Znalazłem na forum, że w przypadku PAM powinno się go instalować w katalogu na dysku systemowym i tak też zrobiłem (c:\PoleAlginMax\). Wyczytałem tez, że w systemie powinna być wyłączona kontrola konta (ja miałem ją wyłączoną). Doszedłem też do tego że jeśli PAM jest uruchamiany jako administrator to wywala błąd jak na zrzucie: Wszystkie ścieżki dostępu przeniosłem do katalogu c:\PoleAlginMax\ i po tych zabiegach okazało się, że PAM odpala Maxima oraz próbuje nawiązać połączenia z nim. Oto log: 08:38:13 PoleAlignMax Version 2.0.55 08:38:13 PinPoint is connected 08:38:17 MaxIm DL/CCD V 5,15 is the Imaging Software 08:38:21 MaxIm DL 5 Error 65535: Could Not Initialize Camera Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 08:38:27 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is not connected 08:38:27 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is not connected 08:38:27 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is not connected 08:38:31 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is not connected 08:38:35 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is not connected 08:38:38 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is not connected 08:38:42 Telescope Site: Latitude = 51,8508, Longitude = 19,5111 08:39:01 Telescope link failed: Sub DisconnectTelescope
  3. Kolejna wspaniała noc. Niebo było tak czyste, że pierwszy raz widziałem pasy na Jowiszu - rewelacja - i to na okularze 5mm. Wstawiłem kątówkę do SW80/400 i było troszkę lepiej z wyszukiwaniem gwiazd do gaidowania. Ustawiłem czas kalibracji na 30 tak jak pisał Maciek i widać że kreską jest wyraźniejsza ale i tak raz było że gwiazda ma mniej przesunięcia jak 5px. Po przejściu kalibracji i zaznaczeniu gwiazdy do gaidingu wywalało kilka błędów , że brak gwiazd aż wreszcie wskoczyło. Efekt ten sam co wcześniej, czyli zamiast gwaizdy kreska i błędy er. pow. 30 I to by było tyle dobrych wiadomości bo kolejna noc stracona. W pi....du z takim ustrojstwem. Znów PAM nie chciał robić zdjęć (mimo, że przeszedłem wszystkie wersję odpalania Maxim kontra PAM) i znów nie dałem rady ustawić na GP. Zmontowałem sprzęt i schowałem do chałupy po czym wziąłem szukacz od SW80/400 i poszedłem oglądać przez niego gwiazdy. Taka uwaga: jak Maxim jest uruchomiony i ma połączenie z montażem to PAM nie może uzyskać połączenia z tym samym montażem.
  4. Przechodzi na wylot, ale sprawdzę jeszcze raz. PS wczoraj sprawdziłem wymiary dla kątówki i jej linia optyczna w całości wynosi 85mm moja obecna linia będzie wynosić 95mm przy czym u mnie fokuser będzie schowany 10mm głębiej w refraktor co zapewni większą sztywność Punkt ostrzenia 0becnie mam na 130mm dla SW80/400
  5. Kto mi powie jak rozróżnić nasadkę kątową pryzmatyczną od lustrzanej? Podobno mam pryzmatyczną kątówkę,d1666.html a mi się wydaję, że w środku jest zwykłe lustro zamocowane pod kątem 45* do osi optycznej. Czy te pryzmaty są tak malutkie???, że mieszczą się w takiej małej obudowie??? Dodam, że na opakowaniu jest napisane "90* Diagonal Mirror"
  6. Oooooo kur....a a ja myślałem, że mam lustrzaną kątówkę - przepraszam, mój błąd - droga w pryzmacie jest dłuższa. Obejmy mam rozsunięte na max. - zaznaczam to jest stare zdjęcie nim jeszcze dopasowałem szyny i obejmy
  7. Część kątówki chowa Ci się w fokuser więc tej części nie liczysz więc pozostaje tylko druga część długości od lustra i ma ona koło 40mm. Z tego co wiem mam kątówkę lustrzaną więc droga się nie wydłuża (prawo odbicia światła) PS. a może ma 95 (zwątpienie)
  8. I właśnie to jest ciekawe. Czemu u mnie wychodzi na redukcji 52mm ostrość dopiero jak wypada fokuser??? Sam fokuser wysuwa się ok. 10cm. Dodam jeszcze, że na mojej kątówce ostrzy zupełnie inaczej bez zbędnych przedłużek.
  9. Wczoraj z racji nie najlepszej pogody postanowiłem zrobić szkic tulei łączącej refraktor SW80/400 z kamerą ALccd5T. Sporo osób mówiło bym kupił tuleję o dł. 28mm, 32mm, 48mm i jak się okazało żadna z nich się nie nadaje by ostrzenie było prawidłowe. Tuleja na poniższym szkicu łączy kamerę (gwint T2: 42x0,75) ze srebrną częścią fokusera SW80/400 (gwint 43x1).
  10. to jest log z PAM 19:52:06 PoleAlignMax Version 2.0.55 19:52:06 PinPoint is connected 19:52:06 Could not start MaxIm 19:52:07 Telescope EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is connected 19:52:07 Telescope Site: Latitude = 51,8508, Longitude = 19,5111 19:52:15 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 19:52:15 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 19:52:15 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 19:52:27 19:52:27 Start Alignment Run 19:52:27 Plate solve method is PinPoint 19:52:27 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 19:52:27 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 19:52:27 Exposure is 10 sec 19:52:27 Telescope at RA = 11:52:18 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 19:52:27 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 19:52:27 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 19:52:27 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 19:52:27 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 19:52:27 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 19:52:27 Start Solving Plate 1 19:52:27 Could not attach to C:\Users\M\Desktop\PAM V2.0.55\ 19:52:27 Failed to Solve Plate!! 19:52:27 ** PinPoint Error - Please Verify Settngs ** 19:52:27 Catalog = 0 pp = 0 19:52:27 CatalogExpansion = 0,3 pp = 0,300000011920929 19:52:27 CatalogMaximumMagnitude = 20 pp = 20 19:52:27 CatalogPath = C:\GSC pp = C:\GSC 19:52:27 MinimumBrightness = 200 pp = 200 19:52:27 MinimumStarSize = 2 pp = 2 19:52:27 SigmaAboveMean = 4 pp = 4 19:52:27 SetMaxSolveStars =0 pp = 0 19:52:27 Error -2147220453: No FITS image file is attached. mod cmdRun 19:52:49 19:52:49 Start Alignment Run 19:52:49 Plate solve method is PinPoint 19:52:49 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 19:52:49 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 19:52:49 Exposure is 10 sec 19:52:49 Telescope at RA = 11:52:41 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 19:52:49 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 19:52:49 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 19:52:49 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 19:52:49 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 19:52:49 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 19:52:49 Start Solving Plate 1 19:52:49 Could not attach to C:\Users\M\Desktop\PAM V2.0.55\ 19:52:49 Failed to Solve Plate!! 19:52:49 ** PinPoint Error - Please Verify Settngs ** 19:52:49 Catalog = 0 pp = 0 19:52:49 CatalogExpansion = 0,3 pp = 0,300000011920929 19:52:49 CatalogMaximumMagnitude = 20 pp = 20 19:52:49 CatalogPath = C:\GSC pp = C:\GSC 19:52:49 MinimumBrightness = 200 pp = 200 19:52:49 MinimumStarSize = 2 pp = 2 19:52:49 SigmaAboveMean = 4 pp = 4 19:52:49 SetMaxSolveStars =0 pp = 0 19:52:49 Error -2147220453: No FITS image file is attached. mod cmdRun 19:53:25 19:53:25 ** Expose & Plate Solve ** 19:53:25 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 19:53:25 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 19:53:25 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 19:53:25 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 19:53:25 AttachFITS Failed 19:53:25 Failed to Solve Plate!! 19:53:25 Plate Solve failed 19:53:25 Check Plate Solve Settings 19:54:05 19:54:05 ** Expose & Plate Solve ** 19:54:05 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 19:54:05 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 19:54:05 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 19:54:05 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 19:54:05 AttachFITS Failed 19:54:05 Failed to Solve Plate!! 19:54:05 Plate Solve failed 19:54:05 Check Plate Solve Settings 19:54:16 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 19:54:16 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 19:54:16 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 19:54:18 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 19:54:18 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 19:54:18 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 19:54:27 Could not find CCDSoft on this computer 19:54:52 Could not start MaxIm 19:54:59 19:54:59 19:54:59 ** PinPoint LE test ** 19:54:59 Catalog: GSC-1.1 19:54:59 Path: C:\GSC 19:54:59 Test image solved using 24 stars, average residual is 0,53 arcsec, order =2 19:54:59 RA = 23h 59m 46,733s 19:54:59 Dec = -00° 01' 26,66" 19:54:59 Roll = 0,068 HScale = -1,699 VScale = -1,701 19:55:02 19:55:02 ** Expose & Plate Solve ** 19:55:02 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 19:55:02 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 19:55:02 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 19:55:02 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 19:55:02 AttachFITS Failed 19:55:02 Failed to Solve Plate!! 19:55:02 Plate Solve failed 19:55:02 Check Plate Solve Settings 19:55:09 Could not find CCDSoft on this computer 19:55:12 19:55:12 ** Expose & Plate Solve ** 19:55:12 PoleAlignMax Error -2147024156: Automation error The requested operation requires elevation. Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 19:55:12 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 19:55:12 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 19:55:12 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 19:55:12 AttachFITS Failed 19:55:12 Failed to Solve Plate!! 19:55:12 Plate Solve failed 19:55:12 Check Plate Solve Settings 19:55:36 Could not start MaxIm 20:02:14 20:02:14 Start Alignment Run 20:02:14 Plate solve method is PinPoint 20:02:14 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 20:02:14 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 20:02:14 Exposure is 10 sec 20:02:14 Telescope at RA = 12:02:07 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 20:02:14 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 20:02:14 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:02:14 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:02:14 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:02:14 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:02:14 Start Solving Plate 1 20:02:14 Could not attach to C:\Users\M\Desktop\PAM V2.0.55\ 20:02:14 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:02:14 ** PinPoint Error - Please Verify Settngs ** 20:02:14 Catalog = 0 pp = 0 20:02:14 CatalogExpansion = 0,3 pp = 0,300000011920929 20:02:14 CatalogMaximumMagnitude = 20 pp = 20 20:02:14 CatalogPath = C:\GSC pp = C:\GSC 20:02:14 MinimumBrightness = 200 pp = 200 20:02:14 MinimumStarSize = 2 pp = 2 20:02:14 SigmaAboveMean = 4 pp = 4 20:02:14 SetMaxSolveStars =0 pp = 0 20:02:14 Error -2147220453: No FITS image file is attached. mod cmdRun 20:02:40 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:02:40 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:02:40 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:02:47 20:02:47 Start Alignment Run 20:02:47 Plate solve method is PinPoint 20:02:47 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 20:02:47 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 20:02:47 Exposure is 10 sec 20:02:47 Telescope at RA = 12:02:40 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 20:02:47 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 20:02:47 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:02:47 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:02:47 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:02:47 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:02:47 Start Solving Plate 1 20:02:47 Could not attach to C:\Users\M\Desktop\PAM V2.0.55\ 20:02:47 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:02:47 ** PinPoint Error - Please Verify Settngs ** 20:02:47 Catalog = 0 pp = 0 20:02:47 CatalogExpansion = 0,3 pp = 0,300000011920929 20:02:47 CatalogMaximumMagnitude = 20 pp = 20 20:02:47 CatalogPath = C:\GSC pp = C:\GSC 20:02:47 MinimumBrightness = 200 pp = 200 20:02:47 MinimumStarSize = 2 pp = 2 20:02:47 SigmaAboveMean = 4 pp = 4 20:02:47 SetMaxSolveStars =0 pp = 0 20:02:47 Error -2147220453: No FITS image file is attached. mod cmdRun 20:02:50 20:02:50 Start Alignment Run 20:02:50 Plate solve method is PinPoint 20:02:50 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 20:02:50 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 20:02:50 Exposure is 10 sec 20:02:50 Telescope at RA = 12:02:43 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 20:02:50 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 20:02:50 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:02:50 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:02:50 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:02:50 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:02:50 Start Solving Plate 1 20:02:50 Could not attach to C:\Users\M\Desktop\PAM V2.0.55\ 20:02:50 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:02:50 ** PinPoint Error - Please Verify Settngs ** 20:02:50 Catalog = 0 pp = 0 20:02:50 CatalogExpansion = 0,3 pp = 0,300000011920929 20:02:50 CatalogMaximumMagnitude = 20 pp = 20 20:02:50 CatalogPath = C:\GSC pp = C:\GSC 20:02:50 MinimumBrightness = 200 pp = 200 20:02:50 MinimumStarSize = 2 pp = 2 20:02:50 SigmaAboveMean = 4 pp = 4 20:02:50 SetMaxSolveStars =0 pp = 0 20:02:50 Error -2147220453: No FITS image file is attached. mod cmdRun 20:02:50 20:02:50 Start Alignment Run 20:02:50 Plate solve method is PinPoint 20:02:50 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 20:02:50 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 20:02:50 Exposure is 10 sec 20:02:50 Telescope at RA = 12:02:44 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 20:02:50 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 20:02:50 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:02:50 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:02:50 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:02:50 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:02:50 Start Solving Plate 1 20:02:50 Could not attach to C:\Users\M\Desktop\PAM V2.0.55\ 20:02:50 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:02:50 ** PinPoint Error - Please Verify Settngs ** 20:02:50 Catalog = 0 pp = 0 20:02:50 CatalogExpansion = 0,3 pp = 0,300000011920929 20:02:50 CatalogMaximumMagnitude = 20 pp = 20 20:02:50 CatalogPath = C:\GSC pp = C:\GSC 20:02:50 MinimumBrightness = 200 pp = 200 20:02:50 MinimumStarSize = 2 pp = 2 20:02:50 SigmaAboveMean = 4 pp = 4 20:02:50 SetMaxSolveStars =0 pp = 0 20:02:50 Error -2147220453: No FITS image file is attached. mod cmdRun 20:02:51 20:02:51 Start Alignment Run 20:02:51 Plate solve method is PinPoint 20:02:51 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 20:02:51 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 20:02:51 Exposure is 10 sec 20:02:51 Telescope at RA = 12:02:45 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 20:02:51 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 20:02:51 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:02:51 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:02:51 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:02:51 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:02:51 Start Solving Plate 1 20:02:51 Could not attach to C:\Users\M\Desktop\PAM V2.0.55\ 20:02:51 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:02:51 ** PinPoint Error - Please Verify Settngs ** 20:02:51 Catalog = 0 pp = 0 20:02:51 CatalogExpansion = 0,3 pp = 0,300000011920929 20:02:51 CatalogMaximumMagnitude = 20 pp = 20 20:02:51 CatalogPath = C:\GSC pp = C:\GSC 20:02:51 MinimumBrightness = 200 pp = 200 20:02:51 MinimumStarSize = 2 pp = 2 20:02:51 SigmaAboveMean = 4 pp = 4 20:02:51 SetMaxSolveStars =0 pp = 0 20:02:51 Error -2147220453: No FITS image file is attached. mod cmdRun 20:02:54 Could not find CCDSoft on this computer 20:02:56 Could not start MaxIm 20:03:02 20:03:02 Start Alignment Run 20:03:02 Plate solve method is PinPoint 20:03:02 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 20:03:02 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 20:03:02 Exposure is 10 sec 20:03:02 Telescope at RA = 12:02:55 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 20:03:02 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 20:03:02 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:03:02 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:03:02 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:03:02 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:03:02 Start Solving Plate 1 20:03:02 Could not attach to C:\Users\M\Desktop\PAM V2.0.55\ 20:03:02 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:03:02 ** PinPoint Error - Please Verify Settngs ** 20:03:02 Catalog = 0 pp = 0 20:03:02 CatalogExpansion = 0,3 pp = 0,300000011920929 20:03:02 CatalogMaximumMagnitude = 20 pp = 20 20:03:02 CatalogPath = C:\GSC pp = C:\GSC 20:03:02 MinimumBrightness = 200 pp = 200 20:03:02 MinimumStarSize = 2 pp = 2 20:03:02 SigmaAboveMean = 4 pp = 4 20:03:02 SetMaxSolveStars =0 pp = 0 20:03:02 Error -2147220453: No FITS image file is attached. mod cmdRun 20:03:03 20:03:03 Start Alignment Run 20:03:03 Plate solve method is PinPoint 20:03:03 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 20:03:03 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 20:03:03 Exposure is 10 sec 20:03:03 Telescope at RA = 12:02:56 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 20:03:03 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 20:03:03 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:03:03 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:03:03 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:03:03 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:03:03 Start Solving Plate 1 20:03:03 Could not attach to C:\Users\M\Desktop\PAM V2.0.55\ 20:03:03 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:03:03 ** PinPoint Error - Please Verify Settngs ** 20:03:03 Catalog = 0 pp = 0 20:03:03 CatalogExpansion = 0,3 pp = 0,300000011920929 20:03:03 CatalogMaximumMagnitude = 20 pp = 20 20:03:03 CatalogPath = C:\GSC pp = C:\GSC 20:03:03 MinimumBrightness = 200 pp = 200 20:03:03 MinimumStarSize = 2 pp = 2 20:03:03 SigmaAboveMean = 4 pp = 4 20:03:03 SetMaxSolveStars =0 pp = 0 20:03:03 Error -2147220453: No FITS image file is attached. mod cmdRun 20:03:04 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:03:04 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:03:04 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:03:43 Plate solve using TheSky 20:03:49 PinPoint is connected 20:03:58 Could not find CCDSoft on this computer 20:04:23 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is disconnected 20:04:27 Error -2147220447: Illegal DriverID value "" (empty string) modComponents Sub GetTelescopeFriendlyName 20:04:27 Error 429: ActiveX component can't create object modComponents Sub LoadTelescope 20:04:27 Error 429: ActiveX component can't create object modComponents Sub LoadTelescope 20:04:37 Telescope EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is connected 20:07:20 Could not start MaxIm 20:08:58 20:08:58 Start Alignment Run 20:08:58 Plate solve method is PinPoint 20:08:58 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 20:08:58 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 20:08:58 Exposure is 10 sec 20:08:58 Telescope at RA = 12:08:53 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 20:08:58 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 20:08:58 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:08:58 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:08:58 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:08:58 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:08:58 Start Solving Plate 1 20:08:58 AttachFITS Failed 20:08:58 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:08:58 Polar Align Aborted !! 20:09:24 Align Aborted 20:10:02 20:10:02 Start Alignment Run 20:10:02 Plate solve method is PinPoint 20:10:02 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 20:10:02 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 20:10:02 Exposure is 4 sec 20:10:02 Telescope at RA = 12:09:57 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 20:10:02 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 20:10:02 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:10:02 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:10:02 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:10:02 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:10:02 Start Solving Plate 1 20:10:02 AttachFITS Failed 20:10:02 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:10:02 Polar Align Aborted !! 20:10:05 Operation stopped by operator 20:10:05 Align Aborted 20:10:07 20:10:07 Start Alignment Run 20:10:07 Plate solve method is PinPoint 20:10:07 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 20:10:07 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 20:10:07 Exposure is 4 sec 20:10:07 Telescope at RA = 12:10:01 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 20:10:07 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 20:10:07 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:10:07 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:10:07 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:10:07 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:10:07 Start Solving Plate 1 20:10:07 AttachFITS Failed 20:10:07 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:10:07 Polar Align Aborted !! 20:10:09 Operation stopped by operator 20:10:09 Align Aborted 20:11:01 20:11:01 ** Expose & Plate Solve ** 20:11:01 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:11:01 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:11:01 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:11:01 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:11:01 AttachFITS Failed 20:11:01 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:11:01 Plate Solve failed 20:11:01 Check Plate Solve Settings 20:11:50 20:11:50 ** Expose & Plate Solve ** 20:11:50 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:11:50 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:11:50 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:11:50 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:11:50 AttachFITS Failed 20:11:50 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:11:50 Plate Solve failed 20:11:50 Check Plate Solve Settings 20:12:09 20:12:09 ** Expose & Plate Solve ** 20:12:09 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:12:09 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:12:09 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:12:09 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:12:09 AttachFITS Failed 20:12:09 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:12:09 Plate Solve failed 20:12:09 Check Plate Solve Settings 20:12:45 Could not find CCDSoft on this computer 20:12:49 PoleAlignMax Error -2147024156: Automation error The requested operation requires elevation. Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:12:49 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:12:49 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:12:49 PoleAlignMax Error -2147024156: Automation error The requested operation requires elevation. Module modComponents Sub CrossHair 20:13:02 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:13:02 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:13:02 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:13:02 PoleAlignMax Error -2147024156: Automation error The requested operation requires elevation. Module modComponents Sub CrossHair 20:13:06 Could not start MaxIm 20:13:11 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:13:11 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:13:11 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:13:11 PoleAlignMax Error -2147024156: Automation error The requested operation requires elevation. Module modComponents Sub CrossHair 20:13:25 20:13:25 ** Expose & Plate Solve ** 20:13:25 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:13:25 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:13:25 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:13:25 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:13:25 AttachFITS Failed 20:13:25 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:13:25 Plate Solve failed 20:13:25 Check Plate Solve Settings 20:13:43 EQMOD ASCOM EQ5/6 is disconnected 20:13:43 PoleAlignMax Error 429: ActiveX component can't create object modComponents Sub SetupTelescope 20:14:05 Telescope EQMOD ASCOM Simulator is connected 20:14:09 20:14:09 ** Expose & Plate Solve ** 20:14:09 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:14:09 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:14:09 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:14:09 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:14:09 AttachFITS Failed 20:14:09 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:14:09 Plate Solve failed 20:14:09 Check Plate Solve Settings 20:14:18 EQMOD ASCOM Simulator is disconnected 20:14:23 Telescope EQMOD ASCOM Simulator is connected 20:14:29 EQMOD ASCOM Simulator is disconnected 20:15:58 Telescope EQMOD ASCOM Simulator is connected 20:16:42 20:16:42 Start Alignment Run 20:16:42 Plate solve method is PinPoint 20:16:42 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 20:16:42 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 20:16:42 Exposure is 4 sec 20:16:42 Telescope at RA = 12:25:30 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 20:16:42 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 20:16:42 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:16:42 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:16:42 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:16:42 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:16:42 Start Solving Plate 1 20:16:42 AttachFITS Failed 20:16:42 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:16:42 Polar Align Aborted !! 20:16:57 Operation stopped by operator 20:16:57 Align Aborted 20:16:57 20:16:57 Start Alignment Run 20:16:57 Plate solve method is PinPoint 20:16:57 Selected catalog is GSC-1.1 20:16:57 Telescope Slew is 5 degrees 20:16:57 Exposure is 4 sec 20:16:57 Telescope at RA = 12:25:46 Dec = 90° 00' 00" 20:16:57 ***** Exposing Image 1 ***** 20:16:57 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled 20:16:57 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set Module modComponents Property Get camLinkEnabled 20:16:57 Failed to start camera! Verify camera model in Imaging Software 20:16:57 PoleAlignMax Error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set modUtilities Sub SaveImageToFile 20:16:57 Start Solving Plate 1 20:16:57 AttachFITS Failed 20:16:57 Failed to Solve Plate!! 20:16:57 Polar Align Aborted !! 20:17:08 20:17:08 EQMOD ASCOM Simulator is disconnected
  11. Kamerka na QGVideo5T pokazuje obraz i to na czasie 0,5s oczywiście im większy czas tym więcej widać. Gdzie znajduje się wartość Screen Stretch? bo nie widzę (chyba zbyt wcześnie jest:) )
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