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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez Andromeda

  1. Jak dla mnie to jedyna "badziewność" Stellarium związana jest z koniecznością wprowadzania parametrów orbit niektórych obiektów ręcznie (planety i ich większe księżyce są w oryginalnym pliku). Zapewne można te parametry pobrać gdzieś w formacie zrozumiałym przez Stellarium, bez konieczności przerabiania ich ręcznie.




    Pozwolę sobie zauważyć, że jak na razie darmowy program o nazwie STELLARIUM jest w ciągłej fazie tworzenia, budowy, ulepszania, dodawania nowych elementów oraz rozwiązań. Pod względem realistycznego wyglądu nocnego nieba oraz całego procesu prezentacji nieboskłonu od wschodu do zachodu oddaje pełen realizm. Migające gwiazdy, cienkie linie uwidaczniające konstelacje, ich granice obiekty z katalogu Messiera itd.


    Jak na razie orbity komet należy przystosować samemu na potrzeby STELLARIUM.


    Ale może to kiedyś ulec zmianie w kolejnych wersjach tego programu.


    Od 12 stycznia jest dostępna jeszcze nieoficjalnie Polska wersja strony WWW pod nazwą Stellarium Wiki pod adresem :



    Strona jest w budowie i w trakcie tłumaczenia na nasz język!


    Tam można składać różne uwagi, sugestie, propozycje. Zachęcam, bo warto.


    Zachęcam również do aktualizacji tego programu.


    Bardziej ambitni mogą pozyskać źródła programu i sami je modyfikować i kompilować na różne platformy systemowe: Windows Linux itp.


    To na tyle. B)


    Pozdrawiam. :rolleyes:

  2. Witam Astroforumowiczów


    Rok 2009 to rok Astronomii i wielu niespodzianek jakie nas czekają w trakcie nocnych obserwacji.


    Już niedługo ukaże się oficjalna wersja programu pod nazwą Stellarium.


    Poniżej zamieściłem gotowe skrypty KOMET dla wersji Stellarium 0.10.0 lub 0.10.1




    Te skrypty nie będą chodzić w wersji Stelarium 0.9.0 !


    Ale spokojnie.


    Żeby skrypt działał dla wersji Stellarium 0.9.0 należy zamienić nazwę orbit_visualization_period na sidereal_period w ostatniej lini każdego skryptu!!!!



    Zestaw KOMET:


    C/2007 N3 (Lulin)

    85P Boethin

    210P Christensen

    144P Kushida

    C/2008 A1 McNaught

    C/2006 W3 Christensen

    C/2006 OF2 Broughton

    C/2007 G1 LINEAR

    C/2007 Q3 Siding Spring

    C/2006 Q1 McNaught

    C/2008 T2 Cardinal

    29P Schwassmann-Wachmann

    116P Wild 4

    6P d'Arrest

    19P Borrelly

    67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko

    22P Kopff

    C/2005 L3 McNaught

    C/2007 B2 Skiff

    7P Pons-Winnecke

    C/2006 U6 Spacewatch

    68P Klemola





    Pozostałe dopiszę jutro bo jest już puźno a muszę dokończyć w pracy pisanie aplikacji bazodanowej.


    Po uruchomieniu Komety w porgramie STELLARIUM prezentują się okazale!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Jak zwykle życzę udanych i owocnych obserwacji.







    name = C/2007 N3 (Lulin)

    parent = Sun

    radius = 100000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = true

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454842.6414

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.212289

    orbit_Eccentricity = .999987

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 136.8614

    orbit_AscendingNode = 338.5353

    orbit_Inclination = 178.373

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 365.25



    [85P Boethin]

    name = 85P Boethin

    parent = Sun

    radius = 100000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454816.8648

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.147474

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.775283

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 53.5814

    orbit_AscendingNode = 343.4512

    orbit_Inclination = 4.2171

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 4214.6


    [210P Christensen]

    name = 210P Christensen

    parent = Sun

    radius = 100000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454820.4719

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 0.534907

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.831644

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 345.7777

    orbit_AscendingNode = 93.8869

    orbit_Inclination = 10.2154

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2068.6


    [144P Kushida]

    name = 144P Kushida

    parent = Sun

    radius = 100000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454858.3621

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.439017

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.627754

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 216.0977

    orbit_AscendingNode = 245.5607

    orbit_Inclination = 4.1093

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2776.2


    [C\2008 A1 McNaught]

    name = C/2008 A1 McNaught

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454738.6193

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.073020

    orbit_Eccentricity = 1.000290

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 348.4650

    orbit_AscendingNode = 277.8837

    orbit_Inclination = 82.5487

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 82207622.3


    [C\2006 W3 Christensen]

    name = C/2006 W3 Christensen

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2455019.1379

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 3.126339

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.999782

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 133.5099

    orbit_AscendingNode = 113.5707

    orbit_Inclination = 127.0745

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 627287626.3


    [C\2006 OF2 Broughton]

    name = C/2006 OF2 Broughton

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454725.1849

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.431404

    orbit_Eccentricity = 1.000981

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 95.6139

    orbit_AscendingNode = 318.5072

    orbit_Inclination = 30.1699

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 45069167.7


    [C\2007 G1 LINEAR]

    name = C/2007 G1 LINEAR

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454786.8150

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.647148

    orbit_Eccentricity = 1.001729

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 223.9830

    orbit_AscendingNode = 78.9949

    orbit_Inclination = 88.3309

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 21881253.8


    [C\2007 Q3 Siding Spring]

    name = C/2007 Q3 Siding Spring

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2455111.8188

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.251384

    orbit_Eccentricity = 1.000036

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 2.1085

    orbit_AscendingNode = 149.4157

    orbit_Inclination = 65.6492

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 5712391583.7


    [C\2006 Q1 McNaught]

    name = C/2006 Q1 McNaught

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454651.3595

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.763672

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.999682

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 344.3821

    orbit_AscendingNode = 199.5469

    orbit_Inclination = 59.0495

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 295928250.5


    [C\2008 T2 Cardinal]

    name = C/2008 T2 Cardinal

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454995.7294

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.202127

    orbit_Eccentricity = 1.000121

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 215.8748

    orbit_AscendingNode = 309.6752

    orbit_Inclination = 56.3045

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 361696936.7


    [29P Schwassmann-Wachmann]

    name = 29P Schwassmann-Wachmann

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2453185.8546

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 5.717638

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.044979

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 48.0970

    orbit_AscendingNode = 312.6344

    orbit_Inclination = 9.3947

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 5350.6


    [116P Wild 4]

    name = 116P Wild 4

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2455031.3682

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.174860

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.374774

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 173.5920

    orbit_AscendingNode = 21.0371

    orbit_Inclination = 3.6127

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2369.7


    [6P d'Arrest]

    name = 6P d'Arrest

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454693.4577

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.353517

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.612774

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 178.1194

    orbit_AscendingNode = 138.9356

    orbit_Inclination = 19.5149

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2387.0


    [19P Borrelly]

    name = 19P Borrelly

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454669.8392

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.354737

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.624512

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 353.3755

    orbit_AscendingNode = 75.4432

    orbit_Inclination = 30.3237

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2503.1


    [67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko]

    name = 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454890.8606

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.246543

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.640176

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 12.6956

    orbit_AscendingNode = 50.1978

    orbit_Inclination = 7.0409

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2355.2


    [22P Kopff]

    name = 22P Kopff

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454976.9030

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.577624

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.544242

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 162.8146

    orbit_AscendingNode = 120.8987

    orbit_Inclination = 4.7239

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2352.3


    [C\2005 L3 McNaught]

    name = C/2005 L3 McNaught

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454481.9353

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 5.593804

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.999768

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 47.1431

    orbit_AscendingNode = 288.7407

    orbit_Inclination = 139.4495

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 1367496580.9


    [C\2007 B2 Skiff]

    name = C/2007 B2 Skiff

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454699.4030

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.974907

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.995838

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 206.0121

    orbit_AscendingNode = 14.8692

    orbit_Inclination = 27.4959

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 6979982.5


    [7P Pons-Winnecke]

    name = 7P Pons-Winnecke

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454736.1316

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.253252

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.634923

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 172.3271

    orbit_AscendingNode = 93.4225

    orbit_Inclination = 22.3098

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2323.2


    [C\2006 U6 Spacewatch]

    name = C/2006 U6 Spacewatch

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454622.9957

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.498355

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.998757

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 276.6045

    orbit_AscendingNode = 180.1823

    orbit_Inclination = 84.8807

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 32913334.9


    [68P Klemola]

    name = 68P Klemola

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454852.4842

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.759015

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.640689

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 153.9800

    orbit_AscendingNode = 175.3321

    orbit_Inclination = 11.1436

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 3956.4


    [74P Smirnova-Chernykh]

    name = 74P Smirnova-Chernykh

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2455043.2442

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 3.557492

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.147716

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 87.2996

    orbit_AscendingNode = 77.1099

    orbit_Inclination = 6.6478

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 3114.8


    [205P Giacobini]

    name = 205P Giacobini

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454719.5559

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.526442

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.568719

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 154.2271

    orbit_AscendingNode = 179.6311

    orbit_Inclination = 15.3038

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2432.1


    [65P Gunn]

    name = 65P Gunn

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2455257.3606

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.440886

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.319654

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 196.5493

    orbit_AscendingNode = 68.3675

    orbit_Inclination = 10.3852

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2482.1


    [59P Kearns-Kwee]

    name = 59P Kearns-Kwee

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454898.1462

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.355557

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.474993

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 127.5327

    orbit_AscendingNode = 313.0363

    orbit_Inclination = 9.3411

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 3471.3


    [C\2008 J1 Boattini]

    name = C/2008 J1 Boattini

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454660.7757

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.724289

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.989478

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 68.1304

    orbit_AscendingNode = 273.4188

    orbit_Inclination = 61.7787

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 766240.3


    [204P LINEAR-NEAT]

    name = 204P LINEAR-NEAT

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454809.7712

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.940235

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.470561

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 355.0388

    orbit_AscendingNode = 109.1065

    orbit_Inclination = 6.5812

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2562.4


    [C\2008 P1 Garradd]

    name = C/2008 P1 Garradd

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2455035.2915

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 3.896446

    orbit_Eccentricity = 1.002065

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 11.8355

    orbit_AscendingNode = 357.6788

    orbit_Inclination = 64.2952

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 29937826.5


    [C\2007 U1 LINEAR]

    name = C/2007 U1 LINEAR

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454685.5583

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 3.329151

    orbit_Eccentricity = 1.001222

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 0.9290

    orbit_AscendingNode = 50.0420

    orbit_Inclination = 157.7861

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 51938666.0


    [C\2008 R3 LINEAR]

    name = C/2008 R3 LINEAR

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454792.9877

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.908918

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.895944

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 84.1555

    orbit_AscendingNode = 270.5582

    orbit_Inclination = 43.2377

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 28699.7


    [77P Longmore]

    name = 77P Longmore

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2455020.3153

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.310326

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.358286

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 196.6847

    orbit_AscendingNode = 14.9185

    orbit_Inclination = 24.3962

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2495.1


    [61P Shajn-Schaldach]

    name = 61P Shajn-Schaldach

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454715.5879

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.108006

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.426584

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 221.6274

    orbit_AscendingNode = 163.1157

    orbit_Inclination = 6.0090

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2574.5


    [P\2008 Q2 Ory]

    name = P/2008 Q2 Ory

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454758.5057

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.382335

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.573647

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 329.5862

    orbit_AscendingNode = 60.7087

    orbit_Inclination = 2.7553

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2132.4


    [P\2008 QP20 LINEAR-Hill]

    name = P/2008 QP20 LINEAR-Hill

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454773.2128

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.723092

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.506310

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 72.0504

    orbit_AscendingNode = 325.1485

    orbit_Inclination = 7.7493

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2381.7


    [P\2008 L2 Hill]

    name = P/2008 L2 Hill

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454697.1353

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.317325

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.613694

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 141.3301

    orbit_AscendingNode = 217.9820

    orbit_Inclination = 25.8606

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 5366.4


    [211P Hill]

    name = 211P Hill

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454959.3248

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.362033

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.337560

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 4.4118

    orbit_AscendingNode = 117.2959

    orbit_Inclination = 18.8724

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2459.3


    [188P LINEAR-Mueller]

    name = 188P LINEAR-Mueller

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454450.7089

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.552102

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.416222

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 26.4576

    orbit_AscendingNode = 359.1388

    orbit_Inclination = 10.5456

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 3338.7


    [C\2008 X3 LINEAR]

    name = C/2008 X3 LINEAR

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454750.0633

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.901788

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.955849

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 140.7876

    orbit_AscendingNode = 337.7472

    orbit_Inclination = 66.4728

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 103259.4


    [51P Harrington]

    name = 51P Harrington

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454635.9093

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.687841

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.544318

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 269.1741

    orbit_AscendingNode = 83.7763

    orbit_Inclination = 5.4282

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2603.8


    [P\1999 XN120 Catalina]

    name = P/1999 XN120 Catalina

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454783.0113

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 3.304077

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.210838

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 161.6110

    orbit_AscendingNode = 285.4487

    orbit_Inclination = 5.0263

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 3129.1


    [200P Larsen]

    name = 200P Larsen

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454703.7371

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 3.272030

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.333288

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 133.7395

    orbit_AscendingNode = 234.8172

    orbit_Inclination = 12.1211

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 3971.1



    [44P Reinmuth]

    name = 44P Reinmuth

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454514.8327

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 2.106596

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.428428

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 58.0960

    orbit_AscendingNode = 286.6008

    orbit_Inclination = 5.9047

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 2584.4



    [209P LINEAR]

    name = 209P LINEAR

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454937.4730

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 0.913703

    orbit_Eccentricity = 0.688980

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 149.7234

    orbit_AscendingNode = 66.4549

    orbit_Inclination = 19.1480

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 1839.2



    [C\2006 K1 McNaught]

    name = C/2006 K1 McNaught

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = false

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454302.1904

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 4.425554

    orbit_Eccentricity = 1.002440

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 296.4511

    orbit_AscendingNode = 72.1182

    orbit_Inclination = 53.8694

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 28213962.6





    To na razie tyle, pozdrawiam! :rolleyes:

  3. Tak się prezentuje lokalizacja komety C/2007 N3 (Lulin) w programie STELLARIUM 0.10.1


    Skrypt został poprawiony!



    name = C/2007 N3 (Lulin)

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = true

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454842.6414

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.212289

    orbit_Eccentricity = .999987

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 136.8614

    orbit_AscendingNode = 338.5353

    orbit_Inclination = 178.373

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 365.25








  4. Skrypt poprawiłem i teraz powinno być wszystko O'K, w poprzednim wkradł się bład. Sorki B)




    To są dane "surowe" przed przygotowaniem skryptu ssystem.ini dla Stellarium


    C/2007 N3 (Lulin)

    Epoch 2009 Jan. 9.0 TT = JDT 2454840.5

    T 2009 Jan. 10.6418 TT MPC

    Converted th Julian date (JDT) 2454842.6414


    q 1.212288 (2000.0) P Q

    Periheliaon Distance 1.2122288 (AU)


    z +0.000014 Peri. 136.8618 -0.9292023 -0.3694254

    Argument of Pericentre 136.8618 (deg)


    +/-0.000008 Node 338.5353 -0.3463293 +0.8606090

    Ascending Node 338.5353 (deg)


    e 0.999982 Incl. 178.3730 -0.1289924 +0.3505381

    Inclination 178.373 (deg)



    C/2007 N3 (Lulin)

    Epoch 2008 Nov. 30.0 TT = JDT 2454800.5

    T 2009 Jan. 10.6414 TT MPC

    q 1.212289 (2000.0) P Q

    z +0.000010 Peri. 136.8614 -0.9292000 -0.3694312

    +/-0.000008 Node 338.5353 -0.3463348 +0.8606068

    e 0.999987 Incl. 178.3730 -0.1289946 +0.3505373





    To są gotowe dane, które należy "wkleić" do pliku ssystem.ini



    name = C/2007 N3 (Lulin)

    parent = Sun

    radius = 1000

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = true

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454842.6414

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.212289

    orbit_Eccentricity = .999987

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 136.8614

    orbit_AscendingNode = 338.5353

    orbit_Inclination = 178.373

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 365.25


    Życzę udanych obserwacji. :D

  5. Witam AstroForumowiczów!


    Jako uzupełnienie z mojej strony dodałem skrypt dla komety C/2007 N3 (Lulin).


    Dla miłośników Astronomii, którzy używają program Stellarium z pewnością przyda się skrypt, który po dodaniu w pliku ssytem.ini pomoże nam zlokalizować położenie komety w drugiej połowie nocy na tle zimowego nieba.



    name = C/2007 N3 (Lulin)

    parent = Sun

    radius = 100

    oblateness = 0.0

    halo = true

    color = 1.0,1.0,1.0

    tex_halo = star16x16.png

    tex_map = nomap.png

    coord_func = comet_orbit

    orbit_TimeAtPericenter = 2454800.5

    orbit_PericenterDistance = 1.212289

    orbit_Eccentricity = .999987

    orbit_ArgOfPericenter = 136.8618

    orbit_AscendingNode = 338.5335

    orbit_Inclination = 178.373

    lighting = false

    albedo = 1

    orbit_visualization_period = 365.25


    Pozdrawiam i życzę udanych obserwacji. :rolleyes:

  6. Witam na ASTROFORUM


    Właśnie wczoraj odebrałem w Warszawie kalendarz astronomiczny na rok 2009 od naszego dystrybutora – Karola Wójcickiego, który podszedł bardzo profesjonalnie do tematu.


    Projekt rewelacyjny, design fantastyczny, przejrzysty, czytelny i zawiera wszystkie najważniejsze informacje o fazach księżyca, rojach meteorów, koniunkcjach, opozycjach itd...


    Piękne zdjęcia.


    Urok kalendarzowi dodaje wydrukowanie go na specjalnym połyskującym papierze dzięki czemu jest fantastyczny kontrast.


    Przesyłam podziękowania dla wszystkich, którzy przyczynili się do jego powstania, oraz sponsorom bez których by na pewno nie powstał.


    Gdy upłynie jego kadencja to na pewno go zachowam w swoim archiwum!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Jeszcze raz dziękuję!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

  7. >>Musze przyznać że astrokrak ma lepsze ceny.



    Upss W ASTROKRAKU TAKICH OKULARÓW NIE WIDZIAŁE no chyba, że są sprzedawane z pod lady. Nie ma ich w ofercie a szkoda. Co prawda zostały one opisane na forum, ale tylko na tym się skończyło...


    Z nieoficjalnych Źródeł dowiedziałem się, że w Warszawie będzie profesjonalny punk z optyką dla Astronomów "Miłośników Astronomii"



    Wesołych Świąt, Dosiego Roku 2004 :D:D:notworthy:

  8. Musze przyznać że astrokrak ma lepsze ceny.




    Upss W ASTROKRAKU TAKICH OKULARÓW NIE WIDZIAŁE no chyba, że są sprzedawane z pod lady. Nie ma ich w ofercie a szkoda. Co prawda zostały one opisane na forum, ale tylko na tym się skończyło...


    Z nieoficjalnych Źródeł dowiedziałem się, że w Warszawie będzie profesjonalny punk z optyką dla Astronomów "Miłośników Astronomii"



    Wesołych Świąt, Dosiego Roku 2004

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