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O Jawa

  • Urodziny 27.10.1993

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Osiągnięcia Jawa



  1. Witam serdecznie, wypowiadam się pierwszy, raz gdyż nie widzę nowych informacji, a coś znalazłem na temat naszej komety. "Comet Ison – something has survived! Comet Ison made its close approach to the sun at just after 1800 UTC today (a little over 3 hours ago). Orbiting observatories and telescopes based on Earth were able to monitor it until about 1800 UTC when most observers lost it. All the eyes of the solar observing fleet were trained on where Ison was supposed to be, including the twin Stereo spacecraft, SOHO, and SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory). The Stereo spacecraft and Soho were able to see Ison until about 1800 UTC, but all of the observatories lost it as it entered. It looked to every observer like it was gone. That was…until a few minutes ago, when Stereo and Soho images started showing quite clearly that “Something has survived!” We can’t tell what exactly has emerged from the sun; something is intact based on the LASCO image (an instrument on Soho). STEREO sees the same thing – its image is on the left. Something continues to produce a tail right now, some remnant of Ison has survived. I can’t tell you how big this chunk is, I can’t tell you what it’s made of, but something is coming out of the sun right now. The reports of Ison’s death may not be entirely exaggerated…this could be but a shard of the original comet…but something is still there. -JBB Image credits: Here's an animated gif from LASCO" Pozdrawiam.
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