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Ostatnia wygrana OnlyAfc w dniu 18 Grudnia 2023

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    Nowe Miasto, Mazowieckie
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    Astronomia, Piłka nożna, programowanie, grafika 3D
  • Sprzęt astronomiczny
    Synta 8" na Dobsonie.
    Kitowe 10mm i 25mm + SWA-58 6mm + Sky-Watcher LET 28 mm 2"

    TS Photoline 70 / 420 z flattenerem 0,79 + HEQ5 + Canon 1100d + Asi 120 mini + ASIAIR

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  1. Fotka wstawiona na fejsie na grupę ZWO ASIAIR. Nie każda fotka z fejsa jest zła :)



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      Presenting the Lunar Eclipse and the Rho Ophuichi cloud complex.
      The first total lunar eclipse since 2019 occurred during the early morning hours of May 26. It was also a super moon. What is also interesting about this full lunar eclipse is that it happened against the backdrop of the Rho Ophuichi cloud complex, the most colorful part of the MilkyWay and the night sky.
      I was lucky enough to be able to capture it and I am presenting it in these two pictures. The first one shows the fully eclipsed moon with the background of the Rho Ophuichi cloud complex. The second one showing the lunar eclipse phases as it happened from a full bright moon to exactly right after the total eclipse ended. Unfortunately, I could not capture the rest of the sequence for the moon while it was coming out of the earth shadow since the moon dropped below the tree line and the neighbor’s house 15 minutes right after totality.
      Capture and processing details:
      Data for the Rho Ophuichi region was captured between May 18 and May 21. I used a 135mm Samyang f/2 lens with ZWO ASI6200 and Optolong L-pro light pollution filter. The setup was mounted on an AZ-EQ5 controlled by ASIAIR Pro and guided with ASI120+ZWO 30mm guide scope. Light 180x90sec, flat 50, dark 50, flat dark 50. Stacking was done in Astropixelprocessor and post processing was done in Pixinsight and Adobe PS
      For the lunar eclipse data, I used a SkyWatcher Esprit 80+ASI183MC and Optolong L-pro light pollution filter mounted on SkyWatcher EQ6-R pro. For each phase of the lunar eclipse, I captured 100-200 frames with exposures ranging between 1ms to 0.5s. Raw fit files for each phase were first converted into an SER video using PIPP. Then I used Autostakkert 3 to stack the SER files. The resulting stacks were then post processed in Pixinsight, Registax, and PS.


    4. Herbert West
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