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Planck, następca COBE


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Tegoroczna nagroda Nobla została przyznana za badania mikrofalowego tła kosmicznego przy pomocy COBE. W 2008 roku ESA ma zamiar wysłać jego następcę satelitę Planck. Nowoczesna satelita będzie wyposażona w bardzo dokładne przyrządy do pomiaru promieniowania mikrofalowego.

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No więc znowu przesunęli wiek Wszechświata. Znaczy wyniki są w końcu, jakby ktoś się jeszcze nie obudził :D Oczywiście to wszystko zakładając, że BB jest prawdą razem z obecną interpretacją redshiftu. :)



Edytowane przez Alice
  • Lubię 2
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Overall, the information extracted from Planck’s new map provides an excellent confirmation of the standard model of cosmology at an unprecedented accuracy, setting a new benchmark in our manifest of the contents of the Universe.



For the most part, the data agree extremely well with the 'standard model of cosmology' and allow for a much improved measure of its parameters. In the standard model, the Universe is described as homogeneous and isotropic on very large scales, and cosmic structure is the result of the slow growth of tiny density fluctuations that arose immediately after the Big Bang. At the same time, the extraordinary quality of the Planck data reveals the presence of subtle anomalies in the CMB pattern that might challenge the very foundations of cosmology. The most serious anomaly is a deficit in the signal at large angular scales on the sky, which is about ten per cent weaker than the standard model would like it to be. Other anomalous traits that had been hinted at in the past - a significant discrepancy of the CMB signal as observed in the two opposite hemispheres of the sky and an abnormally large 'cold spot' - are confirmed with high confidence. Planck's new image of the CMB suggests that some aspects of the standard model of cosmology may need a rethink, raising the possibility that the fabric of the cosmos, on the largest scales of the observable Universe, might be more complex than we think.

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