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Nagrania z misji NASA - Voice of Earth


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Wiecej na temat nagrania ( duplikat w pliku rar )




NASA Space Recordings Of Earth - Voice Of Earth I


© Nasa


In Mp3 Format (128 Kbps) - Duration : 0:30:39 Min


The Voice of Earth Sounds come from the interaction of the Solar Wind with the magnetosphere

of Earth. You are hearing the Aura Borealis, NASA Injun I, Hawkeye, IMP1 and ISEE I Space

Probes Recordings.


The energy production of the Sun is far from even and fluctuates on an 11 year cycle.

Maximum production coincides with high sunspot activity when processes on the Sun's surface

throw particles far out into space. These particles are called the solar wind. When the Solar

Wind collides with the magnetosphere with a sufficient number of particles, it causes the

northern lights.


These space sounds of Earth were recorded by the Injun I, Hawkeye, IMP I and ISEE I space

probes from Earth orbit.


Although space is a vacuum, this does not mean that there is no sound. it only means that

there is no air in space to act as a medium to transmit soundwaves to your ear. The specially

designed instruments on board these probes were designed to pick up and record these vibrational

frequencies. This information, which was sent back to Earth and decoded, are the beautiful and

intriguing sounds you hear on this recording. The sounds you hear are interactions of the solar

wind with the Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere, plasma wave phenomena and interactions between

Earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere. These vibration frequencies are all exactly within the

range of human hearing, 20 - 20,000 Hz. This is truly the real "Voice" of Earth.


This recording was used as part of a one hour TV special in Japan for its effectiveness

in alleviating sleep disorders in children.


These recordings have been specially processed, filtered and spacially mastered in 3-D sound

for deep relaxation and stress reduction.




It is recommended not to play this CD next to animals, and during driving in automobile,

course the high and deep frequency.********

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Znajomy potwierdza- link działa, aczkolwiek mnie wprowadza jak na razie w stan niepokoju a nie odprężenia :szczerbaty:


PS. Na mojego psa zadziałało bezapelacyjnie odprężająco- po raz pierwszy zasnął w ciągu 15 sekund od wejścia do pokoju. Albo mam takie słabe pasmo przenoszenia na swoich głośnikach, albo głuchego psa :D Radzę jednak nie testować na swoich pupilach, nie chcę później być adresatem obelg ;)

Edytowane przez Tek_One
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Wow niesamowite!! Brzmi kosmicznie :D.


Although space is a vacuum, this does not mean that there is no sound. it only means that

there is no air in space to act as a medium to transmit soundwaves to your ear. The specially

designed instruments on board these probes were designed to pick up and record these vibrational



Ktos wie w jaki sposob to jest rejestrowane?


Znajomy potwierdza- link działa, aczkolwiek mnie wprowadza jak na razie w stan niepokoju a nie odprężenia szczerbaty.gif


Hehhe a tam pisze ze dzieci cierpiace na bezsennosc tym traktowali... Co te ludzie nie wymysla :).

Edytowane przez Paranoid
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Hmm nie znalazlem za duzo info na temat Injun I..


w wiki widac ze Injun 2 i 3 zajmowaly sie badaniami nad Magnetosfera i Jonosfera ziemi -


Co do sposobu rejestracji - no coz .. rejestrowane sa drgania i wibracje - potem zostalo to przetworzone za pomoca sprzetu elektronicznego i wyszlo nam to.


Poszukam i jak cos wiecej znajde napisze tutaj.






The satellite Injun 1 was the first of a series of spacecraft designed and built by the University of Iowa to study the natural and artificial trapped radiation belts, auroras and airglow, and other geophysical phenomena. Injun 1 was launched simultaneously with Transit 4A and Grebe 3. Transit 4A successfully separated from Injun 1, but Grebe 3 did not. Injun 1 was designed to be magnetically aligned. However, due to the presence of Grebe 3 (which blocked the view of the photometer), it was impossible to keep the satellite constantly oriented on the terrestrial magnetic field throughout an orbit. A single axis fluxgate magnetometer was used to monitor the orientation of the spacecraft with respect to the local magnetic field. Injun 1 had a complex spin-and-tumble motion with an ill-defined and variable period of several minutes. The satellite sent back radiation data until March 6, 1963, and is expected to be in orbit for about 900 yr.

Edytowane przez Siewierz
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Natknalem sie wlasnie na filmik calkiem ciekawy:


Rownież z dzwiekami slonca.


Tak jest, ciekawi mnie żródło tego nagrania bo podobny dźwięk to ja mam przy nie dostrojonym radiu.

Myślę, że się dźwiękowiec amator nie postarał ale oczywiście mogę się mylić i jest to "melodia" Słońca w paśmie 22MHz :lol:



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