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Start Discovery

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"0722 GMT (3:22 a.m. EDT)


A map showing the path Discovery would follow into the Kennedy Space Center for landing at 6:42 a.m. EDT is available here. The track would give residents along the U.S. Gulf Coast the chance to see Discovery's entry and fiery plasma trail.


0715 GMT (3:15 a.m. EDT)


Chief NASA astronaut Kent Rominger has just landed in the Shuttle Training Aircraft for refueling. He'll return to the skies in a little while to resume weather reconnaissance flights around the Kennedy Space Center runway. "

Edytowane przez Adam
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a może nasatv Ci się uruchomi? - w realplayer


mają wylądować w kaliforni, w słonecznej kaliforni za 3 godziny


na cnn też nadają i pokazują jaka jest burza na florydzie

o a teraz są nad południową europą :)

Edytowane przez sumas
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Czytam tylko tekstowe jak poniżej:

"0903 GMT (5:03 a.m. EDT)

CALIFORNIA BOUND. Continued instibility in the weather off the Florida coast has prompted entry flight director LeRoy Cain to throw in the towel for a Kennedy Space Center homecoming of space shuttle Discovery. Today's landing has been officially diverted to Edwards Air Force Base in California where skies are clear. Touchdown is expected at 8:11 a.m. EDT. "

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może kodeki poprawili, bo teraż transmisja też nie jest jakaś wyżyłowana, bo idzie 80Kbps.


a lądowanie w California's Edwards Air Force Base, będzie po raz pierwszy od 14 lat, ciekawe, czy zdążą przenieść tam, ten cały komitet powitalny

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Napięcie rośnie:

1134 GMT (7:34 a.m. EDT)

Altitude is now 120 miles.


1129 GMT (7:29 a.m. EDT)

Discovery is descending through 155 miles.


1128 GMT (7:28 a.m. EDT)

All three auxiliary power units are now running to supply pressure to the shuttle's hydraulic systems, which in turn move Discovery's aerosurfaces and deploy the landing gear. One unit was started prior to the deorbit burn; the others just a few moments ago. The units are only activated during the launch and landing phases of the shuttle mission.


1123 GMT (7:23 a.m. EDT)

Altitude is 190 miles.


1122 GMT (7:22 a.m. EDT)

The propellant no longer needed for the shuttle's forward steering jets is being dumped overboard now.


1121 GMT (7:21 a.m. EDT)

Time to touchdown is 50 minutes. Discovery is flying over the extreme southern Indian Ocean and about to pass south of Australia.


1120 GMT (7:20 a.m. EDT)

Discovery is 205 miles above Earth, continuing its free-fall to the atmosphere. The ship will hit the upper edge of the atmosphere at altitude of about 75 miles in 20 minutes. "

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